Can I just pay someone to find me a job?

Nov 2, 2009 | Sustainability Jobs that Cross Our Desk (Not our placements)

I have often had jobseekers ask me if I would represent them to find them job.  As a CSR recruiter representing employers, I don’t do this nor does anyone else in the CSR or sustainability field.  The closest a jobseeker will get is the CSR/sustainability Job Coach.  I have listed a few coaches on my website.  Coaches typically charge $150/hr or $500/4hrs.  You can plead poor and see if the coach will give you a deal; it sometimes works.
There are also scams out there where a firm offers to send your resume to 400 job openings.  They will indeed broadcast your resume hither and yon, yet will not produce the results you wish.
At the end of the day, the job search is an exercise that you must perform.  It’s arduous and the goal for you to is to stay positive and zen.  Here are a few specific tips:

  • Continually ask yourself where your efforts will bear fruit;
  • Identify what you need to keep up the momentum.  It might mean a trip home to hang out and watch TV for 2wks.  It could be setting up at least one informational interview per day;
  • Understand that the job search is a journey.  Ride it gracefully.