In my One Great Idea presentation for the GreenBiz SF Forum last month, I stressed the value of tapping employees for sustainability innovations. This article takes a look at one man's idea that was held for 20 years until the time was right to act on it. Read...
GB Talent Show: How Do Two Sustainability Departments Become One?
It is often said that internal initiatives and programs are often the first to come under the axe in a merger. Diversity and leadership development programs are often easy victims. Does the CSR department also fall by the wayside? Read more here in the latest GreenBiz...
GB Talent Show: The Activist Employee: Why Business Must Learn to Listen
The Occupy Wall Street protestors marked 2011 with their resilience. With thousands of participants peacefully demonstrating outside the doors of some of the country's very large corporations, what can be next? Will employees become activists and take their protests...
GB Talent Show: Bonus Time. Incentivizing Sustainability
This is the month many of us await anxiously for our bonus. Many are thinking, "I did great in my performance review last month but the company didn't meet its targets so what's that bonus going to be?" Alcoa shares the benefits of linking sustainability to incentives...
GB Talent Show: How Sustainability is Becoming the One True Corporate Religion
Once upon a time, Corporate America was a homogeneous culture -- white, male, local, and Christian. Today, we consider America a melting pot of ethnic and cultural backgrounds. There's also the development of outsourcing and technologies that allow us to work across...
GB Talent Show: How to Score Epic Green Wins in the Workplace with Gamification
Ralph Thurm believes that games have the potential to create "epic wins." Thurm, director sustainability and innovation at Deloitte Netherlands is, of course, referring not to our inane desire to play Call of Duty all day but the collective intelligence required to...
GB Talent Show: The 7 Attributes of Sustainability Pioneers
In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought it fitting to reflect on pioneers of past and pioneers of present. Remember the allure of Little House on the Prairie? Pioneer life -- aside from being rough and wholesome -- was exciting. Before anything was established and...
GB Talent Show: A CSR Checklist that Works for Every HR Department
Coro Strandberg of Strandberg Consulting is well-known and well-respected throughout Canada as a thought leader in sustainable business practices. One of Coro's more widely disseminated publications is her 2009 report developed for Industry Canada about the Role of HR...
GB Talent Show: What 'Making Sustainability Everyone's Job' Really Means
It is funny how some articles get lots of coverage and others get little. The article that I found to be the most interesting is the one that received the fewest tweets. How could that be? There is an insurance company in Canada called the Co-operators. They have...
GB Talent Show: 10 Communication Strategies to Engage Employees in Sustainability
Committing to sustainability, and taking action on it, is a critical element of today's corporate world, but without getting employees on board through a successful internal communications program, green and other social good initiatives are much less likely to...