Did you ever consider whether your career has an impact? Before you consider the question though, let’s consider what “impact” means in the context of your career. Read more in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: When sustainability meets human resources
For many, the nexus between sustainability and human resources is an intangible one. As a sustainability recruiter, I live at this intersection -- and witness it being tested every time I begin a candidate search. Read more in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: Tips for job search season
Twice a year, jobseekers are out in full force: now and New Years tend to be jobseekers’ high season. In the spirit of the season, here are five tips to support those in job-search mode. Read more in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: Why engineers see sustainability differently
I am completing a few searches right now for sustainability professionals with engineering backgrounds. It got me to thinking about what makes an engineer a good sustainability professional. Read more in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: How to engage employees: Advice from four leaders
In the midst of a consistent challenge regarding how to quantify their efforts, a panel of sustainability professionals offered advice on how companies can engage their employees at this year’s Sustainable Brands conference in San Diego, Calif. Read more here in the...
GB Talent Show: Proof: A strong CSR program can attract, retain talent for less
Some of today's youngest workers dream of making a big impact on the people and environments around them -- and they're willing to take a pay cut to land a job that will let them do that. Read more here in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: Why valuing your workers as assets makes financial sense
You've heard your CEO say, "Our employees are our greatest asset." But if you've reviewed company financial statements recently, employees are not technically classified as assets -- or valued that way either. In official accounting terms, people are regarded as...
GB Talent Show: 4 job trends sustainability pros need to know about
As a sustainability recruiter, I have a unique vantage point to observe the evolution of sustainability across industries -- as a practice as well as a profession. Read more here in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: France vs. US: Which work culture is more sustainable?
When we talk about work-life balance, we often point to the European work culture, with its short work weeks and lengthy vacations. But do we also -- at the same time -- think “less productive”? Read more here in the latest GreenBiz Talent Show post.
GB Talent Show: The real friction between human resources and CS
Elaine Cohen, author of CSR For HR, has a soapbox. She believes strongly that the human resources (HR) function should play a stronger role in sustainability, perhaps even own it. Her argument, however, isn't as widely accepted as she would prefer because most HR...